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    ابن خلدون

    عبد الرحمن بن محمد، ابن خلدون أبو زيد، ولي الدين الحضرمي الإشبيلي (1332 – 1406م) مؤرخ من شمال أفريقيا، تونسي المولد أندلسي حضرمي الأصل، كما عاش بعد تخرجه من جامعة الزيتونة في مختلف مدن شمال أفريقيا، حيث رحل إلى بسكرة وغرناطة وبجاية وتلمسان، كما تَوَجَّهَ إلى مصر، حيث أكرمه سلطانها الظاهر برقوق، ووَلِيَ فيها قضاء المالكية، وظلَّ بها ما يناهز ربع قرن (784-808هـ)، حيث تُوُفِّيَ عام 1406 عن عمر بلغ ستة وسبعين عامًا ودُفِنَ قرب باب النصر بشمال القاهرة تاركا تراثا ما زال تأثيره ممتدا حتى اليوم ويعتبر ابنُ خَلدون مؤسسَ علم الاجتماع الحديث ومن علماء للتاريخ. والاقتصاد.ولد ابن خلدون في تونس عام 1332 (732 للهجرة) بالدار الكائنة بنهج تربة الباي رقم 34. أسرة ابن خلدون أسرة علم وأدب، فقد حفظ القرآن الكريم في طفولته، وكان أبوه هو معلمه الأول، شغل أجداده في الأندلس وتونس مناصب سياسية ودينية مهمة وكانوا أهل جاه ونفوذ، نزح أهله من الأندلس في منتصف القرن السابع الهجري، وتوجهوا إلى تونس، وكان قدوم عائلته إلى تونس خلال حكم دولة الحفصيين. يتعقب ابن خلدون أصوله إلى حضرموت وكان اسمه العائلي الحضرمي وذكر في موسوعته كتاب العبر المعروفة باسم ” تاريخ ابن خلدون ” أنه من سلالة الصحابي وائل بن حجر وأنّ أجداده من حضرموت.ابن خلدون “ونسبنا في حضرموت من عرب اليمن إلى وائل بن حجر من أقيال العرب معروف وله صحبة.رحل ابن خلدون بعلمه إلى مدينة بسكرة حيث تزوج هناك ، ثم توجه عام 1356 إلى فاس حيث ضمّه أبو عنان المريني إلى مجلسه العلمي واستعمله ليتولى الكتابة مؤرخًا لعهده وما به من أحداث، و قُدّر لابن خلدون رحيلٌ آخر عام 1363 ميلادي إلى غرناطة و من ثمّ إلى إشبيلية ليعود بعد ذلك لبلاد المغرب، فوصل إلى قلعة ابن سلامة (مدينة تيارت الجزائرية حاليًا) فأقام بها أربعة أعوام و شرع في تأليف كتاب العبر و أكمل كتابته بتونس ثم رفع نسخة من كتابه لسلطان تونس، ملحقا إيّاها بطلب الرحيل إلى أرض الحجاز لأداء فريضة الحج و وجد ابن خلدون سفينة تستعد للعودة إلى الإسكندرية فركبها و توجه إلى القاهرة حيث قضى بقية حياته، و تولى هناك القضاء المالكي بمصر بوصفه فقيهًا متميزًا خاصة أنه سليل المدرسة الزيتونية العريقة وكان في طفولته قد درس بمسجد القبة الموجود قرب منزله سالف الذكر المسمى “سيد القبة”. توفّي ابن خلدون في القاهرة سنة 1406 م (808 هـ). ومن بين أساتذته الفقيه الزيتوني الإمام ابن عرفة حيث درس بجامع الزيتونة المعمور ومنارة العلوم بالعالم الإسلامي آنذاك.

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    A Connecticut Yankee in K...

    When Hank Morgan, a practical, no-nonsense Yankee who works in an ammunition factory as a head superintendent gets into a fight with an aggressive employee, little does he know what's in store for him. The bully lays Morgan low with a skull-crushing blow delivered with a crowbar and knocks him out. When Morgan regains consciousness, he finds himself transported back in time, to the sixth century. From here on, the story describes the travails of a hard-boiled, true blue American with strong democratic values who has to deal with medieval feudalism and ancient customs! A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court was published in 1889. Mark Twain wrote it after the great success of his early novels, Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. His first book, Innocents Abroad had met with a lukewarm reception. Connecticut Yankee... met with mixed reactions. Some regarded it as a great piece of historical fiction. In Britain, it was seen as an attack on their history and culture.

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    A Tramp Abroad

    A Tramp Abroad is a work of non-fiction travel literature by American author Mark Twain, published in 1880. The book details a journey by the author, with his friend Harris (a character created for the book, and based on his closest friend, Joseph Twichell), through central and southern Europe. While the stated goal of the journey is to walk most of the way, the men find themselves using other forms of transport as they traverse the continent. The book is often thought to be an unofficial sequel to an earlier Twain travel book,The Innocents Abroad. As the two men make their way through Germany, the Alps, and Italy, they encounter situations made all the more humorous by their reactions to them. The narrator (Twain) plays the part of the American tourist of the time, believing that he understands all that he sees, but in reality understanding none of it. The term “tramp” is meant as in a “walk-about” and not as in a “bum”.

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    Explorers in a hot-air balloon land on an island, figuring that they must be the only inhabitants. However, they discover a bullet inside a wounded animal--one which must have been fired within the previous three months. The men propose to build a canoe so they can survey the island in search of other human life. Many adventures follow, one after another. They find a large chest filled with provisions and tools. Setting off in search of who might have left the chest, the travelers make their way through the Mercy River to the sea. During their trek, the men find remnants of the balloon they arrived in. Back at camp (Granite House) they find their ladder to the house has been removed--by invading orangutans. Soon the animals are defeated, except for one, whom they tame to become a house servant. The men construct a bridge over the river. They protect their abode by surrounding it on all sides with water. They undertake projects to make their colony habitable and comfortable. They create a hydraulic lift to replace the ladder. They build a seagoing boat for further exploration. Eventually they discover another human on Tabor Island, bringing him back to their now-well-stocked colony. (Bill Boerst)

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    Adventures of a Special C...

    Claudius Bombarnac, a reporter is assigned by the Twentieth Century to cover the travels of the Grand Transasiatic Railway which runs between Uzun Ada, Turkestan and Peking, China. Accompanying him on this journey is an interesting collection of characters, including one who is trying to beat the round the world record and another who is a stowaway. Claudius hopes one of them will become the hero of his piece, so his story won't be just a boring travelogue. He is not disappointed when a special car guarded by troops is added to the train, said to be carrying the remains of a great Mandarin. The great Mandarin actually turns out to be a large consignment being returned to China from Persia. Unfortunately the train must travel through a large part of China that is controlled by unscrupulous robber-chiefs. Before the journey is over, Claudius finds his hero.

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    An Antarctic Mystery or t...

    A wonderful coming together of two writers who wrote their books more than half a century apart. Neither of them had ever visited the remote islands they were writing about yet they provided inspiration for a couple of exciting adventure tales. In 1838, Edgar Allan Poe published The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket. It was the only complete novel published by the American author. It was the story of a young boy who stows away on board a whaling ship and it goes on to relate the events that follow. The novel ends a trifle abruptly, with the hero and his friend Dirk Peters deciding to journey to the South Pole.

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    Aunt Jane's Nieces in the...

    The 10th and final book in the series for adolescent girls sees two of the three cousins react to atrocities in World War I by volunteering in the Red Cross. Written under the pseudonym of Edith Van Dyne, this is the 1915 version, which reflects United States' neutrality. A later version, published in 1918, differed significantly to reflect changes in the position of the United States.

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    Black Arrow a Tale of Two...

    The Black Arrow tells the story of Richard (Dick) Shelton during the Wars of the Roses: how he becomes a knight, rescues his lady Joanna Sedley, and obtains justice for the murder of his father, Sir Harry Shelton. Outlaws in Tunstall Forest organized by Ellis Duckworth, whose weapon and calling card is a black arrow, cause Dick to suspect that his guardian Sir Daniel Brackley and his retainers are responsible for his father’s murder. Dick’s suspicions are enough to turn Sir Daniel against him, so he has no recourse but to escape from Sir Daniel and join the outlaws of the Black Arrow against him. This struggle sweeps him up into the greater conflict surrounding them all. The story of the Wars of the Roses is told in miniature by The Black Arrow.

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    Call of the Wild

    Call of the Wild is an emotional rollercoaster of a novel set during the late 19th century Klondike Gold Rush. The central character is Buck, an Alaskan sled dog who is forced to adjust to the cruel climate in order to survive. If you have even a remote love of dogs then you will fall head over heels in love with this book. In fact, take away the fact that Buck is a dog and the story is the same, a struggle against greed and to live a life of freedom. London spent a year in Yokel researching the book, making it extremely detailed, very simplistic in its descriptions and genuinely heartfelt. Essentially the book explores the concept of survival of the fittest, as we join Buck’s fall from grace, when he is kidnapped for work, and the desire to rise again. Power struggles ensue when we meet Buck’s rival Spritze and we see how brutal the world can be. The vivid descriptions of nature are where this book excels. London is an expert at writing about survival in a natural world. When we are forced into extreme condition, we have to rely on our instinct, what is primitive to us, themes mirrored in Buck’s journey throughout the book.

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    Dick Sands the Boy Captai...

    Dick Sands, a youth of fifteen, must assume command of a ship after the disappearance of its captain. Nature’s forces combined with evil doings of men lead him and his companions to many dangerous adventures on sea and in Central Africa.

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