Summary: Published in 1904, The Master of the World is the penultimate novel in the Voyages Extraordinaires series, by renowned French novelist and pioneer of science fiction, Jules Verne. The novel acts as a sequel to Verne’s novel Robur the Conqueror, and consequently brings back some of its most notable characters, including the brilliant, yet villainous inventor Robur. Set in the summer of 1903, the adventure kicks off when a string of enigmatic events have been reported in the western part of North Carolina, leaving residents in fear of a possible volcanic eruption, even though the Blue Ridge Mountains are known to be non-volcanic . This fear is instigated after residents had reportedly heard a deep rumbling sound and have seen smoke escaping the mountain. Consequently, government agent John Strock is assigned to the case, and duly travels to the site in order to investigate the strange occurrences and assist in the unraveling of the mystery that has left everyone baffled.